President and CEO
Sickle Cell Foundation of MN
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Rae Blaylark is the Founder and President of Sickle Cell Foundation of Minnesota (SIckleCellMN) and the proud mother of a young adult son living with sickle cell disease. Ms. Blaylark founded SickleCellMN as a means to increase education and awareness of sickle cell disease, elevate the voices of the community and improve healthcare outcomes that improve quality and quantity of life.
As a community leader with nearly 20 years of experiences within the medical sector, Ms. Blaylark has served in various professional roles, including many years in the blood banking field in training and Education, community engagement, donor diversity & recruitment and as a lead phlebotomy instructor. In recent years, Ms. Blaylark has served in the capacity of Community Health Worker, Hemoglobinopathies Counselor, Sickle Cell Program Coordinator and Patient Family Health Advocate at Minnesota’s leading pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders Clinic, supporting 300+ children and their families living with sickle cell disease.
Motivated by her passion, the mission of the Foundation, and her calling as a bridge builder, Ms. Blaylark continues to lead with boldness, representing community health on various local, state and national advisory committees while bringing unique perspectives and experiences as a community leader who has navigated medical spaces, both as a caregiver on the outside of the healthcare system and on the inside of the system as part of the clinical care team. It is through this dual lens that Ms. Blaylark continues to impact the trajectory of many individuals, families and professionals, all of whom play a critical role in improving outcomes in this precious community.
As a sought after speaker, consultant and technical advisor, Ms. Blaylark is also the Principal Consultant at Raise Hope Consulting. A consulting firm that she created in 2019, to bring help and hope to individuals and businesses seeking DEI-related solutions.
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Adult, Child & Caregiver Patient Town Hall + Dinner (RSVPs Required)
Friday, June 16, 2023
7:30 PM – 9:30 PM East Coast USA Time